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Usage Guide

취소 수수료 안내

Information on cancellation charges for the intercity bus ticket reservation service.

Cancellation Fees and Penalties
Type Time of Cancellation cancellation fee
Ordinary Bus & Premium Intercity Bus Premium intercity discount
  • If it is cancelled two days prior to the date of departure
  • If it is cancelled within one hour after a reservation (Confined to two days prior to the date of departure)
  • If it is cancelled within one hour after a reservation for a bus that departs on the day
No cancellation fee No cancellation fee
  • If it is cancelled from the previous day of departure to one hour prior to departure of a reserved bus
  • The cancellation fee is rounded to the unit of 100 won.
5% of the ticket price
(It may vary depending on policy by terminal)
20% of the ticket price
If it is cancelled one hour prior to the departure of a reserved car on the day
  • If it is cancelled from the previous day of departure to one hour prior to departure of a reserved bus
  • The cancellation fee is rounded to the unit of 100 won.
10% of the ticket price 30% of the ticket price
  • Reservations if canceled six hours before the vehicle start
  • The cancellation fee is rounded to the unit of 100 won.
30% of the ticket price 50% of the ticket price
  • Reservations unless ticket or cancel before and six hours after the vehicle start,
  • a reserved passenger ticket is considered to pertain to breach of contract.
  • The cancellation fee is rounded to the unit of 100 won.

*What is breach of contract?
It means making a reserved passenger ticket invalid if one fails to issue or cancel a ticket after the time of departure after a reservation.

100% of the ticket price
(It may vary depending on policy on penalty for breach of contract by terminal)
100% of the ticket price
(It may vary depending on policy on penalty for breach of contract by terminal)
Please note that
  • Refunds after printing tickets for a reservation can only be issued at the terminal of origin indicated on the ticket.
  • Ticket changes (departure date, departure time, seat number, and personnel), and can be generated for a separate fee based on the cancellation fee and cancellation policies bankruptcy.
  • When canceling payment, different credit card companies require different processing periods. Please contact your credit card company.
  • Reservations that are not used are not automatically canceled when your bus departs.
  • Reservations that are not canceled need to be paid for in full. Be sure to cancel and verify. (Within 2 months of the date of payment)
  • 승차권예매
  • 이용안내
  • 승차권예매
  • 조회/변경/취소
  • 이용안내